It's finally summer!!!! It's awesome going to bed at 3 am and knowing that I don't have to go to school. It's even better knowing I can't stay up all night because I have work :) I work with the greatest people ever like legit, well most of them are great...some, they just suck, not kidding. We have so much fun haha even when we're bored, we find stuff to do, like draw pictures, like this one :D (P.S. I didn't draw this, just sayin') Well since I woke up at 11:30, I've been laying around in my pajamas til now (which is 3:15) and I have to be at work in an hour, I should probably eat, take a shower, and stop blogging. So adios!

I don't even know how he drew that in two seconds it's so epic!:O