Just me, myself, and I. You're welcome to read too of course.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Cove

Just recently, a coworker told me about a movie called "The Cove." The description given seemed unbelievable.  I thought maybe he was exaggerating.  He said it was a movie about the slaughtering of dolphins in Japan. He said dolphin trainers from Sea World and other similar places would gather in this cove in Japan and pick and choose the dolphins they wanted for their exhibits.  Then what really got my attention was that he said all the rest were killed.  I wondered immediately, why couldn't the ones not chosen just be released back into the ocean?  Word spread about this movie around work and I had to find out what this was all about.  So tonight, instead of doing my online summer school class, I watched "The Cove" online.  The movie left me speechless and with tears in my eyes.  Everything my coworker had said was true. The slaughtering of the dolphins, it happens. What these fishermen are doing is horrific.  The majority of the movie is just talk and you aren't moved by it.  But when they show real footage of the slaughtering, and the water turning bright red with blood in a matter of seconds, you are moved to tears.  Words can't even describe the actions in this movie. And not only are dolphins dying but you discover that the dolphins are being sold for meat.  And this meat is labeled as whale meat and this "whale" meat is being eaten by thousands of people.  Dolphins are high in mercury and since people are unknowingly eating dolphin meat, they are unknowingly getting mercury poisoning.  In actuality, these fishermen are killing humans as well as dolphins.  I don't even consider those men to be fishermen; they are murders.  This HAS to be stopped.  The killing of dolphins, the mislabeling, the mercury poisoning, the killing of humans.  It all has to be stopped.  Make this known.  Do your part and help save lives.

To watch "The Cove":

To make a difference: